
Tuition Fees and Breakdown

Tuition Fees do not include books, expendable supplies, equipment, software, and resources.

Program Rates

Video Production Diploma

$15,872 ($992 per course, 16 courses)

Writing for Film & TV Associate Diploma

$22,816 ($992 per course, 23 courses)

Graphic Design & Interactive Media

$22,816 ($992 per course, 23 courses)

We Can Help

Take advantage of payment options that are available to all new Toronto Film School students.

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Bursaries and Financial Options


With a line of credit, you only need to apply once, and can access the funds as needed. Interest rates are cheaper than that of a credit card, and as a student you will have flexible payment options (for instance, the bank may only require you to make interest payments during your schooling, while payments on principle can wait until a set period after you graduate or leave school).

Success Stories

Are you in?

Request a call with one of our admissions advisors if you have any questions about our online programs or enrolment process. 

Start your application now to secure your spot in your program of choice.